4 Tips To Dressing Up Denim

4 Tips To Dressing Up Denim

In an ideal world we could all get away with wearing denim to work but the reality is depending on what you do and your company's policies, it's not always appropriate. However, jeans have come a long way from being associated with blue collar jobs and are now the most widespread fashion staple for men. We all own jeans and tons of them so here are the most stylish ways to dress up your favorite pair. 

Image via Fashion Beans

1. Like with many things, it's all about the fit. Jeans too baggy or too tight are an absolute no no. Opt for a classic, well tailored style jean that mirrors your professionalism. Think timeless and versatile.


Image via Life Styled

2. In the workplace, stay away from anything ripped or too distressed. You still want to look put together despite the relaxed elements of a pair of jeans so the less going on the better.


Image via I Am Galla

3. Dark washes are best and tend to look cleaner. Keep it simple so you don't draw attention to the fact that you are wearing denim. 


4. A great dress shirt can make all the difference. Roll up the sleeves, untuck your shirt with a tie, or wear a well tailored blazer tie-free to nail that business casual look. Pictured above is TAHAANGA's signature James JX1.0 dress shirt at our demo day of the XRC Labs part of the Affiliate Network.